Let's Meet
Hi, I'm Julia, owner of Love It and Label It!
Love It and Label It, LLC offers professional organizing, specializing in decluttering and organizing affordably. I will bring a fresh perspective to your space and help you identify what type of organizing system you need. By helping you recognize your family’s habits and lifestyle, I will develop a customized organization system that’s easy for you to maintain after our work is complete.
When it comes to decluttering, I’ll help you decide what’s important to keep and what you can let go. I love being able to help people transform their space, and I will do that without judgement. I am not concerned with what your closets look like; I’m just there to help. Everyone has different skill sets and there's no shame in reaching out for help! I love what I do and am always excited to tackle a new space.
I use my knowledge of organizing products and my willingness to think outside the box to recommend and purchase products for your space that fall into your budget. My mission is to help you no matter what type of organization you need: simply clearing out clutter that's overwhelming, or elevating your space with beautiful storage solutions and custom labels.
My motto is “Only keep what you love and use. Label it. Repeat.”
Love It and Label It was selected by Redfin as a top Indianapolis, IN, professional organizer.
See the Redfin article we were featured in: 21 Apartment Kitchen Organization Tips to Keep Your Small Kitchen Clean | Redfin